Splunk is great.
Highly adaptable analyser tool.
However documentation is not that great (or either my searching is not that good).
I’ve wanted to create something as below:
Items of Dropdown A
is populated based on user input in Input A
When you select item in Dropdown A
, Input B
will be filled based on the selected value.
Then values of Dropdown B
will be populated based on value in Input B
Since dropdowns will get the first available value, chain reation will occur when you insert value to Input A
Insert value to Input A
–> populates values for Dropdown A
and sets to first value –>
Input B
will be assigned based on the value –> populates values for Dropdown B
and sets to first value.
Writing here how I achieved this for my future reference:
<title>GROUP B</title>
<input type="text" token="inputB" searchWhenChanged="false">
<label>Input B Search</label>
<condition value="">
<unset token="dropdownB"></unset>
<set token="inputB">_DO_NOT_SEARCH_</set>
<condition match="$value$=="*"">
<set token="dropdownB">*</set>
<set token="inputB">_DO_NOT_SEARCH_</set>
<input type="dropdown" token="dropdownB" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Dropdown B</label>
<query>| inputlookup lookupTable2 | search dropdownB="$inputB$" OR name="*$inputB$*"</query>
<condition match="$job.resultCount$!=0">
<set token="form.dropdownB">$result.dropdownB$</set><!--required to prevent '*' to remain in dropdown-->
<title>GROUP A</title>
<input type="text" token="inputA" searchWhenChanged="false">
<label>Input A Search</label>
<condition value="">
<unset token="dropdownA"></unset>
<set token="inputA">_DO_NOT_SEARCH_</set>
<condition match="$value$=="*"">
<set token="dropdownA">*</set>
<set token="inputA">_DO_NOT_SEARCH_</set>
<input type="dropdown" token="dropdownA" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Dropdown A</label>
<query>| inputlookup lookupTable1 | search dropdownA="$inputA$" OR name="*$inputA$*"</query>
<condition match="$job.resultCount$!=0">
<set token="form.inputB">$result.someValueOfB$</set>