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My Number Point (MyNaPoint, マイナポイント)

 ·  ☕ 2 min read  ·  🐨 Puliyo


There’s several methods to register MyNaPoint, like PC, Convenience Store and Smartphone, etc etc.

Writing here is instruction to register MyNaPoint using PC, for people who is reluctant to go to Convenience Store or smartphone is not compatible with required app.

I will be using Line Pay as my payment method and IC Card Reader which I bought at (more detail here) in this instruction.

What is MyNaPoint?

MyNaPoint is a rewarding system created by Japan Government.

By having MyNaPoint linked to your desired payment method (like QR Code, Prepaid Card, Credit Card, etc), whenever you make purchase, you will be granted additional 25% on top of the usual rewards.

Eg, when you make payment using Rakuten Pay, you will receive a return of 1 rakuten point per 100 yen. But by having MyNaPoint linked, you will instead get 26 points per 100 yen!

Some caveats:

  • you can only link MyNaPoint to one payment method
  • the maximum return you can receive from MyNaPoint is 5000 yen or equivalent

So in example above, 25% additional reward will stop as soon as you cumulate 5000 rakuten points which is part of this rewarding system.

Register MyNaPoint using PC

1. Prerequisites

First of all, you’ll need to find the payment method you want to use and ensure it is compatible of being registered through PC.

Open the link above and click on the payment method.

If you see PC icon growing red next to it, or a circle icon next it, it means compatible.

Is it compatible1

Is it compatible2

Next, you’ll need to prepare Machine with Windows and Internet Explorer 11.

Lastly, install the software to conduct registration.

Access the MyNaPoint website and click on the button shown in the image below.

Go here

Click on the 「マイキーID作成・登録準備ソフト」 and install the sofware.

Install Software

2. Connect IC Card Reader

Connect IC Card Reader and have your PC recognise your My Number Card.

Instruction can be found here.

3. Register MyNaPoint

Open IE and click on the yellow button “マイナポイントの予約” as shown in the image above.

When prerequisites are not met, you will be welcomed with below screen.

Install Software

If there’s a cross next to “OS”, it means you’re not using Windows.

If there’s a cross next to “ブラウザ”, it means you’re not using IE 11.

If there’s a cross next to “事前セットアップ”, it means 「マイキーID作成・登録準備ソフト」 from step (1) is not correctly installed or blocked by IE.

If the software is blocked by IE, you can allow it by clicking on the “Allow” button as shown in the image above.

If all prerequisites are met, click on Next and insert your My Number Card’s PIN code (not certifiate password).

When you’ve inserted correct pin, you will be taken to below page. Click on “発行” button and registration is now complete.


Once you registered for MyNaPoint, next you will need to link to your desired payment method.

Click on the “申込へ” button.


Search for your desired payment method

Payment Service

Once found, click on “選択” and complete the linking by following the instruction. For Line Pay, since it’s compatible with PC, we can continue using the portal (current website) to complete the linking. To complete the linking through portal, click on the “次へ進む”.

Follow Instruction 1

NOTE: Instruction onwards assumes you are trying to link with Line Pay.

Open your line and find the 11 digits code as shown in the second left image below. Insert that code to “決済サービスID”.

Then open your profile in line and find the associated phone number as shown in the right most image. Insert the last 4 digits to “セキュリティコード1”.

Once done, click Next.

Follow Instruction 2

If you’re taken to page similar to below, linking is done!

Follow Instruction 3
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